
in a midst of being a better person and HAMBA for Allah SWT..

Friday, November 18, 2011

CIDB Green Card

Hi, everyone. Hurm..almost 8 month tak update blog nie. Follower pun tak gerak2 dari first post dulu. So far, life not so good. Knape sya ckp camtu yer....hurm...biasalah there are ups and down dlm life ni. Esok saya truja sebnrnya nk pi Green Card nyer Course dgn CIDB Ipoh. Ade org ckp ade test lepas abis course ade yg ckp takde. So still curious. Nyesal gak masa blajar dulu ade wat course ngan CIDB tapi masa tu jual mahal nk wat Green Card...
Anyway, hopefully semua brjalan seperti yg di rancang. And saya attend this course pun atas satu tujuan. A BIG PLANNING ...dah tak bole duk makan gaji setiap bulan...hu..hu..hu..bila nak hidup senang. I must have my ESTIMA when I'm at my 40..
Segala usaha ni semua for:
1. My mum and dad. I need to give them a better life. Yelah sikit nyer jenuh mak and ayah besarkan kita dari cinonet spai besar. Walaupun kita tak membesar as one whole family (my mum and dad divorce) both of them have an important role in my life.
2. Embah Chah dan Wak Ro yg sentiasa beri bantuan masa sya blajar dulu. I dont forget all of you. 
3. My big brother abg Shah, support saya masa blajar kt Uitm. You are truly great brother. 
4. My lil sis Yoi who always there when i'm in need.
Till up to this date, I can't repay all of your kindness, support in terms of nasihat, money dan tenaga. Saya berharap sangat plan saya ni berjalan lancar dan diberkati Allah SWT. I know by expressing my big" TERIMA KASIH" to all of you isn't good enough...In fact I have something in mind for each and everyone of you.
That is future. So, TODAY saya perlukan DOA dan SOKONGAN dari kamu semua untuk saya berjaya dlm RANCANGAN SHAFARINA ESLIN KE-2 NI YER.. (RSE-2). Aamin Ya RabbalAlamin.

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